Have you got hidden cash?

have you got hidden cash? Jul 18, 2016

Have you got hidden cash waiting to be discovered in your last 2 years tax returns?

At MAD Business reviewing your last 2 years tax returns is standard with your current year return and is at no additional cost. You could have hundreds or even thousands of dollars waiting to be found.

How does it work?

In the course of preparing your current return we may discover something that had not previously been claimed - we will see this on your notice of assessment from those prior years. We can then make an ammendment and you will be refunded directly into your account. Money for jam. 

What if you don't have your last 2 years returns?

Don't worry! No need to provide us anything; as you have decided to use MAD Business to prepare your current return, it allows us access to the ATO portal where you last 2 years returns are kept. Simple.

A recent client had a $5k ATO debt extinguished just by reviewing the previous year, imagine the stress relieved.

How much does it cost?

The review of the last 2 years is 100% FREE as it may not turn up anything. However if it does, then it is actually a little bit more work than simply preparing your current year return. We will need to re-enter your data, reconcile it and then place an amendment on your behalf. However despite the extra work the costs remain the same.

The investment required to amend a prior year return is as follows:

  • Individual $165 incl GST / amendment
  • Rental property  + $80incl GST
  • Sole Trader / Partnership + $80 incl GST
  • *Fee from refund  + $40

Rest assured we will not propose an amendment unless it is materially beneficial to you.

* Fee from refund involves additional administration and so costs an additional $40

What do you do next?

Well if we are preparing your current year tax return, do nothing, it is part of our normal process. However if you would like us to do your current year and review the 2 years prior,  become a member here or click on one of the following:




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